Walkthrough of the game Dragon Age II DLC - Legacy. Walkthrough of DLC "Legacy" Dragon age 2 memories of the past

Some DLCs contain so much material that they can claim to be a full-fledged sequel. Do you want to learn more about Orlais, the Qunari and enjoy the company of an elven beauty named Tallis? Welcome to the friendly world of “The Mark of a Murderer.”
Mark of a Killer offers a lot. For 800 BioWare Points you can get hold of new enemies, equipment, riddles, bosses, and meet old friends of the guard and Hawk. And also explore new locations of the Orlesian Empire, the local analogue of France, repeatedly mentioned in the games.

You may be surprised, but all of the above will turn out to be just the cherry on top of the crowning platter, whose name is Tallis, the charming elf assassin. She will join Hawke, but unfortunately only for the duration of this expansion. She has a unique appearance - smoother and more beautiful animation than other female characters.

In such company, fighting evil will become not only easier, but also more enjoyable. And after this struggle, you can play online games.

The expansion can be started in any chapter by activating the lion statue in the house. But we would recommend opening a new page of adventure after you become a Defender of Kirkwall. Firstly, you will learn a lot of interesting things about the Qunari, and secondly, additional response options will appear in the dialogues.

The party should include characters who have ties to Orlais or the Qunari. We recommend Aveline or Isabella, because they will have very interesting mini-tasks. If you take Anders into the party. then you will provide yourself and your comrades with a pleasant pastime - in addition, the magician has surpassed himself in terms of jokes on his fellow party members. Bethany or Carver can be taken if they did not die in the Deep Roads.

After activating the statue, be sure to take Varric into the party and go to a meeting in the Upper City with the Antivan Raven, nicknamed the Blade. The meeting will end in battle, and then we will meet the elf Tallis for the first time.

You cannot be friends with her or compete with her, but you can flirt, and for successful flirting you will be rewarded with a kiss in the finale.

Tallis will waste no time and ask Hawk for help in returning from Castle En the treasure Heart of Many, which its owner has no right to possess.

Upon arrival at the Castle of Ain, you will meet its owner - Duke Prosper de Montfort - and his rude bodyguard Cahir. The Duke will hospitably invite you into the forest to hunt a wyvern. The merchant is located near the castle walls, examine his goods. It will only be in the first part of the expansion, but you can get many useful items. so I recommend emptying your inventory.

You can meet Bethany and Carver here after the first chapter. If they have become gray guards, their superiors will order them to deal with Prosper’s fascination with dangerous animals. If they come from the Circle of Mages or the Order of Templars. then they will become interested in the local velgastrials - ghoul magicians, which Hawk will also have to face.

In the western part of the forest, examine the blood on the ground. Tallis will express the theory that the wyverns are fighting among themselves for territory. In the northwest there are both living dragons and the carcass of a dragon cub - the latter will be useful to us. The aforementioned velgastrials, which love to hide behind a magical barrier, also nest there. Be careful, in a group they are extremely dangerous, even the Orlesian chevalier will have trouble when they meet.

In the south of the large clearing, you will meet the rest of the hunt participants and will have the opportunity to take the second ingredient for the quest “Hunter's Balm”, as well as learn the wyvern's mating call. You need the latter to lure the animal out and fight it.

There is another clearing in the eastern part of the forest; after it, turn left and you will find a galla carcass for bait. In addition, you can find wyvern droppings and even poke around in them to your heart's content. Tallis will make fun of us, but at the same time note that the wyvern loves nagas. Well, that's also bait.

Continue on your way, use all the wyvern baits in the clearing and start the battle.
If you found only one bait, a simple wyvern will come out to you: its death is enough to get into the castle. But if you use all three, you will get a unique chance to defeat the leader wyvern, and this is a seasoned and serious enemy. His death will unlock the "Chasing Game" achievement.

But the bright ending of the hunt will continue with an equally colorful epilogue, the insolent Orlesian will claim his rights to the prey. Duke Prosper will catch him, and you will be faced with a dilemma - to let the brawler go or not. If you let him go, he will return and attack again.

Was the hunt successful? Well, it's time to get an excellent wyvern leather belt from the hands of the Duke. Tallis, meanwhile, will try to get inside the castle, but will not be able to open the lock on the door.

The fun part begins - you need to find the key to get into the castle: for this you will not have to fight your way through hordes of chevaliers, but find out who has the key, while enjoying funny dialogues at the Orlesian party.

First, talk to everyone: you will meet many old acquaintances - Countess Dulcie de Spears, Banna Tegan and Isolde. Leliana and Lady Eleganta. from whom you bought potions in the Lower City.

To advance the story. Tallis needs to talk with the guard, then with the elf maid holding a tray of cheeses. And finally, with Prosper's son, Lord Cyril. Alas. but the girl’s charms will not have any effect on the latter, and here Hawk’s help will come in handy. When Tallis says this, Hawke's face becomes simply indescribable. In his arsenal there are three proven methods, ancient as the world, that allow you to get the key: seduction, stunning or soldering.

Once you have the key, go open the door. You'll have the choice to fight your way through Bruce Willis style or sneak in a la Garrett.

If you complete the mission quietly, you will unlock the achievement "Playing Quietly"

If you decide to play quietly, you will not be able to cast spells or fight, but you will temporarily gain interesting skills - “distraction”, “disablement” and “hide in the shadows”. If the guard catches you, it doesn’t matter, you’ll be transported to Tallis and start sneaking around again.

Distraction works like this: you throw a stone on the floor, the guard becomes interested in the extraneous noise, leaves his post and you can slip past. Use this useful skill on the first guard.

After which it would be a good idea to hide behind a column so as not to come face to face with an entire detachment of guards. Further in the kitchen, not far from the stairs, you can hide and complete the “Iron Chef” task, but first you will have to get rid of the cook, stun her or send her to the yard. There is a guard captain standing near the stairs - use the “incapacitate” skill and search his pockets, the key required for further passage will be your loot.

To cross the courtyard without making too much noise, use “distract” and “hide”. Look into the chest and you will get a very useful amulet.

The ring and the new key needed to move on are located ahead, in a room surrounded by a corridor along which two guards walk. There will be no guards in the room itself, and the second ring lies in the chest in the southwest.

Open the balconies with the key and enjoy the view of the castle at night before moving on. There will be another guard captain in the courtyard with a key that opens the entrance to the library.

In the library, Hawke and Tallis will fall into a trap with bars. To get out, place Tal-lis and Hawk on the protruding slabs opposite each other, alternately moving them towards new slabs. When you reach the last slabs, place statues on them and search the chests on the lower level - there is a lot of money there.

Before you go to the chests, save - uninvited glitches may prevent you from opening them.

After you solve the grating puzzle and move on. Duke Prosper will immediately catch us. And then Hawk, suddenly discovering his Houdini talents, pulls a weapon out of thin air. However, they won’t let you fight the duke yet, and you will find yourself in prison, and Tallis admits that she is not only a murderer, but also a Qunari. Take the opportunity and interrogate her properly... If by this point you have already become the Defender of Kirkwall. then you will find out a lot more information.

Tallis will not wait for help from them and will free us herself. The companions will give Hawk equipment when they meet, or he will continue to practice tricks if you only came with Tallis.

There are two paths to freedom: through dungeons or basements. The first is quite simple, but the second is overgrown with mossy riddles and sprawling treasures.

For example, you will encounter a difficult puzzle: getting behind colored doors. This can be done using coloring devices - whoever touches them will receive a colored marker above their head, and you can open a door the color of the marker. Color your entire party and you will be able to access new devices, and if you come across a green color on the device at the entrance, mix the yellow and blue labels. Open the green door and search the chests.

How to open doors: first there are white marks and two white doors, then a black door, followed by a blue mark, in the room with the golem there will be a yellow mark and a picture, an orange door will allow you to continue the path.

Once you take the orange mark, you won't be able to go back, so take your time.

After this you will find yourself in a room with fire. Inside the chest there are treasures on fire, but to get them you will have to put out the flames. About. how to do this is written below.

Turn left to find another puzzle with tags and instruments.

Mark yourself with a black mark and open the black doors. Then open the white ones and take the blue mark. Behind the blue door there will be a golem and another painting with masks. Take the red tag and mix it with the blue one. Then unlock the purple door and enjoy the treasures.

Turning right, you will find yourself face to face with the most difficult riddle - turn the slabs to collect the portrait. The last picture will open.

Now it's time to put out the flames and get to the chest; To do this, it is necessary to arrange the slabs on the floor similar to the arrangement of people in masks in the paintings.

When you place the plates correctly, the fire will go out and you will receive the Hawk armor set and the Trophy achievement.

After this, Duke Prosper will meet you. This time he won't be so smug and will run away. leaving you alone with security and masked clowns. Wary - giggling villains can cause a lot of trouble.
Chase the duke and go down into the caves, where you will be met by the duke's bodyguard Kahir and the magicians. After the battle, you can drive Tallis away or finish the job yourself.

If you go with her, expect an attack from the Tal-Vasgoths. If you drive away the elf, you will meet wyverns. and Tallis will then come to the rescue in the fight against the Duke, whom he will have to fight in any case.

Duke Prosper de Montfort will call for help not only his guards, but also his favorite wyvern Leopold, who has not yet entered the battle. and sits on the ruins and spits poison.

The Duke is tenacious, shoots exploding arrows, and when he has half his health left, he will mount Leopold and become an even more dangerous enemy - in addition to shooting, he will undermine the health of the heroes with the help of traps, scattering them across the battlefield.

If you have completed the Iron Chef*. getting rid of the wyvern will be much easier.

There is a relatively simple way to defeat Prosper's favorite: Leopold likes to launch rapid attacks immediately after artillery preparation with poisonous spit. He attacks the character controlled by the player, and this is simply necessary to take advantage of. Let the “decoy duck” stand near the cliff and the wyvern will fall there. While she tries to get out, hit with all your might.

The addition is completed. Tallis gives us a reward, and we return to Kirkwall.


Taken near the castle, before you go hunting. Huntsman Gabriel will advise us on a balm that can protect us from wyvern poison. To create it, he needs herbs: Andraste's mantle. fly vein and holly. You will find the first two in the west of the forest, and the last one will be in a clearing in its eastern part.

In the western part of the forest you can find a man who has lost his dogs. The first dog will come running to you in the eastern part of the territory - follow it and you will soon come to the second dog. He is poisoned by wyverns. and if you have the balm from the previous task, you can save the animal. Take the dogs to the servant and receive your reward.

In the western part of the hunting grounds, in the south of the location there is a scientist. He will talk about the cult of Heaven and the altar. The altar is located near the pool of blood, which is marked in the plot.

If you listened to the scientist and took everything without touching the book, there will be no battle. Otherwise, a meeting with the cultists and their leader, the Heavenly Terror, is inevitable - and it will not be pleasant. The enemy moves quickly across the battlefield and is capable of fraying your team’s nerves; in addition, he periodically hides behind a barrier.

After the battle, perform the ritual indicated by the scientist and take the reward from the altar.

Just throw five coins into the Wishing Fountain. Two can be obtained from Tallis and Prosper's son Cyril, one from the intendant, the fourth lies on a barrel located near the inner door to the courtyard, and the last, fifth, coin is on the bench by the fountain.

Make the last battle easier for yourself and poison the food of the tame weaver Leopold. The recipe is in the cook's book.
Required ratio from largest to smallest - turnips, lutefix. cheese. For example, you can do this: 26 slices of lutefix, 15 of mature cheese and 27 of turnips. Put this in a jug and then sprinkle it into the feed and the final battle will be much easier.


Need Anders
Find magic feathers and get an amulet for the healer. There are only three of them. and they are located in the western hunting grounds in the second clearing; in a room with bars; near the entrance to the caves. After that, you will be shown a cache on the way down the mountain, where you will receive the amulet.

Need Sebastian
The first scroll is located next to the quartermaster. The second is in the castle kitchen. The third is in the catacombs, on the guards’ table. Next, go to the hiding place in the caves and take the pendant.

Varric needed
Someone wrote a book without the dwarf's permission. Find all its parts so Varrick can get the amulet.
The first is near the entrance to the castle, the second is next to the kitchen, the third is in the western part of the dungeon after being released from prison. The cache will be in the caves.

Need Fenris
In the castle, collect the parts of the amulet: on the table, opposite the kitchen, in the room with bars, and in the catacombs. The reward will find the hero when you go down the mountain.

Need Carver
Collect three Chevalier flags. The first is at the top of the stairs in the castle, the second is the room with the key, and the third is in the basements. Getting out of the castle into the caves. you will find a place with a pendant for your brother.

Need Betami
We collect pictures. The first one is opposite the kitchen. The second one is in the room. where you can get the Codex Entry "Uncertainty". The third is a locked chamber in the dungeon. The location of the reward will be marked on the map.

Need Aveline
You need to get three samples of poetry. To find the first, search the table in the castle (in front of the stairs), the second - the chest in the room with bars, the third - in the basement.

Need Aveline
After the room with the fire, you will find a book on the stairs. Aveline will leaf through it and decide to return to the cells. Opposite the cell where Hawk was sitting. there is a chipped brick. There is a phylactery there that Aveline will activate, and you will have to fight the Undead and the skeletons.

Need Isabella
Collect three pendants in the castle. The first is by the fireplace in the kitchen, the second is in the room with bars and the last is in the dungeons. Cache on the mountainside.

Need Isabella
Find four cursed gems and a knife in the basements. The emerald lies in the room with the first golem, the ruby ​​is behind the green door. the ruby ​​is in the room with the second golem, and the sapphire is behind the purple door. The knife is located outside the perimeter of the fire trap: to get it, you need to solve puzzles. Then you will need to return to the basements, where you will be called out by the damned pirates, who insidiously pretended to be three statues.

They may be disenchanted by Isabella's refusal of the dagger of the Four Winds. Grateful sea wolves will come to your aid in the battle with Kahir... or you'll get a nice dagger for Isabella.

In one of the interviews, the developers said that fewer additions would be released for Dragon Age 2 than for the original game, which received six voluminous DLCs. Dragon Age 2 already has three massive DLCs. Maybe the next announcement will be a long-awaited multi-hour adventure. ending Hawke's story?

We go to the tower, near the entrance to which we will again meet with either Larius or Janeka (depending on the previously made choice). Again there will be an opportunity to choose the side of one of them. In the event that Larius was supported in both cases, then Janeka and the Guardians attack and have to be killed. If Larius was initially supported, and then Janeka was supported, then Janeka is killed by Larius, and the Guardians do not attack. If Janeka was supported in both cases, then Larius and the Guardians attack. If Janeka was supported the first time, and Larius the second time, then Larius kills Janeka, and then the Guardians attack us. In any case, we will be asked to activate four griffin statues to free Corypheus. We activate the statues, talk with Corypheus, after which the battle begins, which takes place in several stages.

1. We remove part of Corypheus’s health, after which he moves to the center of the location on a pedestal and begins to pour fire into the room, but we will need to activate the statues again and kill two ghosts, near each of them (ghosts appear after activation). Corypheus attacks.

2. We remove some more health from Corypheus, after which he moves to the center of the location on a pedestal and begins to pour fire into the room, and stones will appear along the perimeter of the location that will block the passage. We will need to activate the statues again and kill two ghosts near each of them (ghosts appear after activation). Corypheus attacks.

3. We remove another part of Corypheus’s health, after which he moves to the center of the location on a pedestal and begins to pour fire into the room, and stones, when approaching them, will cause electrical damage. We will need to activate the statues again and kill two ghosts near each of them (ghosts appear after activation). Corypheus attacks, after which we kill him.

We take unique armor from the corpse of Corypheus, after which if Anders is in the group, then you can also take an amulet from the corpse, which will somewhat change Anders’ attitude towards the Church. At the exit from the location we talk with Larius or Janeka, depending on which of them survived) and if you look at their faces carefully during the dialogue, then a suspicion arises that the battle is actually lost...

The quest is completed and Hawk finds himself back in his mansion or Gamlen's house, depending on where the quest was started. We talk with our sister or brother, then with our mother. If a brother or sister is killed, then the dialogue will be with Gamlen. If the mother had already died by that time, then the dialogue would still be as if with her ghost.

A Memento of the Past

Walkthrough of DLC "Legacy"

Walkthrough of DLC "Legacy"

This is the main quest of the Legacy expansion. It starts as soon as you click on griffin statue. After the introductory video, as well as a conversation with your brother/sister, you begin the journey.

Result: you are transported to Vimmark Wasteland, where Charter is hiding, which for some reason was raiding Hawk's family. The quest begins" Heritage" (Legacy).

Note: Varrick, as well as Bethany/Carver, will still go to new places, even if they are not in the group. That is, they will be present during the initial dialogue, but in order for them to be with you in the future, you will have to take them into the group.

The quest begins as soon as we find ourselves in the Vimmar Mountains.

In fact, it can be divided into two parts: the battle in the Vimmar Mountains and the exploration of the Guardians' dungeon.

In the Vimmar Mountains you will encounter bloodthirsty dwarves, as well as a fair number of brontos. Having destroyed everything that threatens the lives of the heroes, you approach the lair.

Walkthrough of DLC "Legacy"

Walkthrough of DLC "Legacy"

Gerav is an old dead friend.

Walkthrough of DLC "Legacy"

Walkthrough of DLC "Legacy"

IN " Lair of the Charter"We meet Varric's old acquaintance - Gerav. Alas, he also wants Hawk to die, so he dies. A good ring falls from him, only for Varric.

Walkthrough of DLC "Legacy"

Walkthrough of DLC "Legacy"
Making our way through the Charter dwarves, who would not mind bleeding Hawk, we get to the “boss” - the dwarf Ratigan. From his carcass, Hawk picks up the “Key of Hawk” - this is a magical weapon that is connected to the blood of our hero. The key is needed to remove the seals placed by Hawk's father, Malcolm.

Note: Here in Charter's Lair you will have your last opportunity to return to Kirkwall. You need to click on the griffin statue.

Key- this is a weapon. Depending on the class it can be:

For the magician- staff.

For the robber- bow or dagger.

For the warrior- two-handed or one-handed sword.

After each seal is removed, the key can be improve. You can only select one upgrade at a time.

First seal. Location "Prison of Corypheus - Sashamiri floor"

Nature damage pillar

Fire Damage Pillar

Cold Damage Pillar

Shock Damage Pillar

Walkthrough of DLC "Legacy"

Walkthrough of DLC "Legacy"

I twist and turn, I want a lot of magic!

Second seal. Location "Corypheus Prison - Farel Floor"

Health Draw Pillar

Attack Speed ​​Pillar

Mana/Stamina Drain Pillar

Armor Piercing Pillar

Third seal. Location "Prison of Corypheus - base of the tower"

Speed ​​reduction pillar

Critical Strike Chance Column

Stun Chance Column

Critical Damage Pillar

As soon as we found the key, we stumble upon a strange creature in Guardian armor - Larius.

Walkthrough of DLC "Legacy"

Walkthrough of DLC "Legacy"

He is a former commander of the Guardians, he came here to answer the “call”. The creatures of darkness do not touch him, accepting him as one of their own, but he has not yet lost the remnants of his mind. He runs away and comes back again when you destroy the first seal. Making your way through the creatures of darkness, you go through three locations, at each of which you remove the seal and destroy the local defender.

After we remove the final seal, Larius will appear again, concerned that Corypheus is awakening and that "they are here." They are the Gray Guardians who want to free and subjugate the creatures of darkness to themselves, unlike Larius, who believes that Corypheus is dangerous and must be killed.

The hero is faced with a choice - to take the side of Larius or Janeka. Depending on which side you take, the passage changes.

If you side with Janeka:

Varric +5 friendship

Fenris +5 rivalry

Anders +5 rivalry

If you side with Larius:

Fenris +5 friendship

Anders +5 friendship

Varric +5 Rivalry

If you support Janeka, the rest of the Guardians will leave her and join Larius, and you will find yourself in the location " Corypheus Prison - Deiniken Floor".

You will have to activate magical barriers to break through a kind of “labyrinth” created by Larius to delay you. At the end of the floor there will be a fight with three golems guarding the entrance upstairs to where Corypheus is imprisoned.

If you support Larius, then Janeka and the Guardians leave, deciding that they can cope without Hawk. You find yourself in the location " Corypheus Prison - Rhiannon Floor", where you have to fight with the Cartel, which is in cahoots with Janeka, and also get out of the trap. To do this, you just need to rotate the columns, directing the beam so that it turns orange.

Walkthrough of DLC "Legacy"

Walkthrough of DLC "Legacy"
Fighting skeletons, creatures of darkness and other creatures, Hawk reaches the tower where the final seal is located. Here again you will have the opportunity to change the choice of Janeka/Larius. Support Larius - you'll have to fight Janeka and vice versa. He's intelligent, but he doesn't exactly know where he is. After a short conversation, if you can call it that, a fight breaks out.

It takes place in three phases.

1.Once you shoot 25% of life Coryphea.

He activates the statue and starts shooting fire. A kind of rotating “flamethrower”. Corypheus himself becomes invulnerable. In order for him to leave this phase, it is necessary to break the same 4 vessels near the griffin statues.

Note: When you break the vessel, two ghosts emerge nearby.

3. When you take off 75% health.

The terrain does not change, Corypheus flamethrower + stones are now covered in lightning and shock with electricity if you approach them.

Removing the “invulnerability effect” is similar to the first phase. This is the last phase.

When Corypheus dies, Larius, if you supported him, will be free from the "call" and leaves.

If Anders is in the group, the Tevinter Master's amulet can be removed from Corypheus' body, thereby confirming that he once was one. The Golden City did not exist, but Tevinter did start the Blight.

Walkthrough of DLC "Legacy"

Walkthrough of DLC "Legacy"

Loot. Loot? Loot!

At the end, you will have a heart-to-heart conversation with your brother or sister, if you did not take them on the trip. And also - the mother's memory of Malcolm.

Additional quests

Unfortunately, there are only three of them.

Malcolm's Will

Malcolm's Will is an additional quest. But it is he who is directly related to Hawk's father, Malcolm. He was a blood mage who imprisoned three demons in magical prisons.

Walkthrough of DLC "Legacy"

Walkthrough of DLC "Legacy"
This quest is very difficult to miss. It is activated in the location " Corypheus Prison - Sashamiri Floor"In the hall with the genlocks, we come across a magical curtain and suddenly realize that the demons are speaking in the voice of Father Hawk. It is necessary to find all the demons and destroy the barriers.

To remove the barrier you need to activate three " Sign of the Binder".

Two signs - on coat of arms Gray Wardens. The third one is activated on the very veil.

Walkthrough of DLC "Legacy"

Walkthrough of DLC "Legacy"
There are three places where demons are imprisoned, located in the following locations: " Corypheus Prison - Sashamiri Floor"(one demon) and " Corypheus Prison - Farel Floor" (two more demons)

1. First demon- it's a ghost.

The coats of arms with the signs of the Binder are located opposite each other. Once the ghost is freed, he and his doppelgängers will attack Hawk.

2. Second demon- this is an obsessed person.

We find the second barrier at the very beginning of the Farel floor, on the eastern side of the prison. One coat of arms with a sign is in the room with the demon, the second is in the next room.

As soon as we free the possessed one, he will summon four monsters.

Walkthrough of DLC "Legacy"

Walkthrough of DLC "Legacy"
3. Third demon- This is the Demon of Desire.

His dungeon is located approximately in the middle of the Farel floor, in the northern part of the prison. The location of the signs is similar to the second situation.

Once the veil is dispelled, the Demon of Desire will raise several corpses.

After defeating the last demon, the quest ends with a short video about Hawk's parents.

Walkthrough of DLC "Legacy"

Walkthrough of DLC "Legacy"

If Bethany is in the group, she will receive a unique “Line of Kinship” staff.

If the brother/sister is dead, then Hawk will receive the belt.

If you go through the expansion after Act 1 with Carver the Templar in the group, then you will have a conversation with your brother about why he joined the Templars.

If Carver/Bethany is in the group and has been drafted into the Guardians, he/she will note that being a Guardian isn't that bad, given the Hawke family's history.

Dialogue with Bethany/Carver:

"Dad is in a better place now"- Bethany/Carver: friendship +5

“But we still have Gamelin!”- Bethany/Carver: friendship +5

"Let's finish what he started"- Bethany/Carver: rivalry +5

Altar of Dumat

This quest begins as soon as you find one of Dumat's sacrificial items. They can be found at " Farel floor" And " Tower base". Or, if you stumble upon an altar that is located in the location ""

Walkthrough of DLC "Legacy"

Walkthrough of DLC "Legacy"
There are two ways to complete the quest:

1. Destroy the altar.


You will get a lot of experience in the form of a flock of ghosts and 2 wrath demons.

Fenris, Anders or Sebastian will receive +5 points friendship.

2.Place all four sacrificial items on the altar.


You will receive 4 gold

Item "Chain of the Penitent" (+1 to constitution, +1 to armor, +7% to provoke danger)

- rivalry with Fenris it will increase by 10, with Sebastian or Anders - by 5

Walkthrough of DLC "Legacy"

Walkthrough of DLC "Legacy"
Location of sacrificial items:

1. Crown of Dumat- an ancient Tevinter crown, intended for sacrifice. Located in a side room in the eastern part of the location" Corypheus Prison - Farel Floor"

Walkthrough of DLC "Legacy"

Walkthrough of DLC "Legacy"

2. Dumat's Sacrificial Dagger- an ancient Tevinter dagger intended for ritual sacrifice. Located in a side room in the western part of the location" Corypheus Prison - Farel Floor"

Walkthrough of DLC "Legacy"

Walkthrough of DLC "Legacy"

3. Ritual Scroll of Dumat- An ancient Tevinter scroll containing the words of a ritual of religious sacrifice. On a hill in the location " Prison of Corypheus - base of the tower"

Walkthrough of DLC "Legacy"

Walkthrough of DLC "Legacy"

4. Sacred Urn of Dumat- an ancient Tevinter urn covered with a crust of dried blood. It is located in a small cave in the south of the area where deep hunters fight with spiders. Location " Prison of Corypheus - base of the tower".

Walkthrough of DLC "Legacy"

Walkthrough of DLC "Legacy"
Heir of the Perfect One (The Paragon's Heir)

This quest activated only in location "Prison of Corypheus - the base of the tower", when you find one of the three journals of the dwarves sent to find the son of the Paragon - Tetras Garen.

Walkthrough of DLC "Legacy"

Walkthrough of DLC "Legacy"
To complete quest, you need to find all three magazines. Then a mark will appear on the map where the body of the deceased dwarf lies. Hawk will read the dwarven prayer, thereby resting the spirit of the son of the Perfect.

The code will be updated: "Tetras Garen returned to the stone, as befits the son of the Perfect One"

Log location:

1. First magazine- in a curl in the south of the location, not far from the entrance.

Walkthrough of DLC "Legacy"

Walkthrough of DLC "Legacy"

2. Second magazine- in a large stone building in the north of the location.

Walkthrough of DLC "Legacy"

Walkthrough of DLC "Legacy"

3. Third magazine- in a small cave south of the area that needs to be cleared of monsters, where the altar of Dumat is located.

Walkthrough of DLC "Legacy"

Walkthrough of DLC "Legacy"

Once you find the last journal, you will know where the body of Tetras Garen lies. Anders is a Gray Warden. His blood contains the taint of the creatures of darkness. He, like the local creatures of darkness, as well as the Guardians, hears the call of Corypheus. At one point, the call becomes so strong that Anders cannot resist and resorts to the last line of defense - Justice. Justice seizes power over him and summons two ghosts. We have to fight a former ally. When Anders comes to his senses, he becomes his old self.

Walkthrough of DLC "Legacy"

Walkthrough of DLC "Legacy"
"The Riddle of the Torches"

This riddle is located in the location " Prison of Corypheus - base of the tower". It is necessary to light all 6 torches to open the sarcophagus, which contains part of the set (gloves).

Walkthrough - DLC Legacy

Vimmark Wasteland

Once in place, listen to the opinions of your companions about what is happening and move forward. After a few steps you will hear shouts of “Hawk!” and, if you are careful, you will even notice several gnomes on the rise, running away in the opposite direction from you. Moving forward, you will meet the Overseer, whom you can ask why the Charter suddenly wanted to take your life, but you will get little from him except a vague phrase that for some reason they desperately need your blood. In addition, he will mention your father, as well as a name that you will hear repeatedly in the future - Corypheus. But too long a dialogue will not work, because no matter what answers you choose, the Charter members will attack you.

Behind the warden and his assistants are two groups of archers who will gladly shower you with arrows. Several dwarves will come running as reinforcements some time after the start of the battle. Most battles in Legacy will take place according to this scheme - as an alternative to additional waves of the enemy appearing out of thin air right under your nose in the original.

From the body of the warden you can remove a good amulet for a magician, especially if he uses fire magic - the Eye of Blue.

Move on. Outside the gates, in a kind of gladiatorial arena, you will be greeted by a bronto, supported by groups of archers on a raised platform on the sides. Bronto deals powerful damage and can easily knock down your entire group, so try not to bunch together. Remember that brontos have weak fire protection, while charter gnomes are best treated with cold. The gate through which you entered the arena will slam behind your back, so using a tactical retreat in this case will not work.

After the battle, take the key to the gate, which will open your way to the next section of the path, in one of the boxes behind the wooden platform. Not far from him, read the entry for the Codex, mentioning a certain Malvernis. Another entry concerning him is also located behind the platform, directly on the opposite side from you. When you go through the gate, after a few steps on the left side of the road you will find a third entry about him. After that, step forward and you will see the outlines of the fortress in the distance. Go to the next map.

Wimmark cliffs

Go down the steps into the fortress courtyard. Be careful - there is a trap there. Below you will be greeted by two brontos, and when you deal with them, a squad of Charter dwarves will run out of the building. After clearing the area of ​​enemies, you will find that the large gate to the east is locked and cannot be broken into. Go down the lower steps and in the Old Box in a small nook in the southeast you will find the necessary key. Upon returning at the stairs, you will be ambushed by a Charter warden and about a dozen shooters.

If you examine the room to the north of the courtyard, then upon exiting it a squad of Charter shooters and two Assassins will be waiting for you. Fortunately, some of the shooters are standing right on a trap, which can be activated from your side and cause serious damage to them.

After opening the gate, go down the steps. Two master snipers will run out to meet you. Take your time to pounce on them and follow them when they begin to retreat - there are traps scattered throughout the stairs and landings. Several melee fighters will come to the aid of the snipers after a while, but there will be few of them, and when you have dealt with the enemies, you can proceed to the next area - Charter Vault.

Asylum Charter

The Charter's shelter consists of a series of narrow corridors and small rooms - of course, staffed by completely unfriendly gnomes. On a table in one of the rooms you will find an order from the local leader regarding you and your brother (sister) - if they are still alive. In another room you will find boots from the set for your hero.
You can release Bronto, sitting in one of the cages, but don’t expect gratitude - he will immediately attack you.
Three tiny closets located nearby in the southern room contain a small treasury - its size depends on what level your hero is. The rightmost door, with the largest amount, requires the highest level in lockpicking (that is, 40 Cunning or items that increase the Lockpicking skill).

A certain Gerav will greet you in the western corridor. The conversation with him will take longer if Varric is in your party, but in any case it will end in battle. Depending on which option you chose when ending the conversation (personal or attack), you can receive 5 Friendship or Rivalry points with Varrick. At the end of the battle, if Varric is in your party, you will find a ring on Gerav's body that only he can wear.

A little further, another squad of gnomes is waiting for you, including a master sniper and a magician. Not far from the magician there is a statue of a griffin - if you click on it, you will be transported back to Kirkwall. If you want to sell the loot you find or buy some equipment (or, for example, create more potions or bombs - Mythal's Grace can be useful in the future if you have already received this recipe - as well as anything that can protect you from fire too may come in handy), then take advantage of this opportunity, because you won’t have one like this again. Do not open the door next to the statue until you have completed all your tasks - this will take you to the “point of no return”.
When you want to return, click on the griffin statue in your mansion or Gamlen's house - this will take you back to the griffin statue in the Charter Vault.

In the Charter Vault, in one of the chests you will find a Warm Orb, marked as a quest item. If you go back a couple of maps to the arena where the first bronto attacked you, you will find a glowing idol there, and after clicking on it, the “secret boss” Malvernis. For it to appear, you need to: a) have the Warm Orb in your inventory and b) read all three Codex entries on Malvernis before.

The battle with Malvernis can be roughly divided into three phases. In the first phase, you need to get rid of the ghost archers standing on the wooden platforms. This is not as easy as it seems, because as soon as you deal with the archer on one side of the platform, he will reincarnate on the opposite side. This will happen several times, so the fastest way is to split the group and deal with both sides at the same time.
In the second phase, you will have to deal with Malvernis in the form of the Arcane Horror. In addition to showering you with various spells, including those from the arsenal of Blood Magic, he has an unpleasant habit of teleporting from one corner of the arena to another. In the form of the Arcane Horror, Malvernis will summon several ghosts to help, sometimes backed up by the Demon of Rage (apparently this can depend on the difficulty level) to keep you from getting bored.

When you deal enough damage to it, it will transform into its final form. The battle with this enemy is no different from battles with other individuals of the same species - do not stand in front of the mouth, hit with cold, keep magicians and shooters as far away as possible.
Defeating Malvernis will give you over 9,000 experience points and a couple of good things - a ring and an amulet (although their value depends on what level your heroes are at).

Once you're sure you haven't missed anything, head back to the door next to the griffin statue and open it. The Charter boss will greet you along with his bronto Wonka and a group of gunmen. As with other gnomes, a conversation with him will end in a battle.
Bronto cannot run up to the upper level of the room, so I advise you to move the whole group there, deal with the arrows and the boss, and only then slowly take care of Wonka. There are numerous traps and levers that control them scattered throughout the room - you can use them at your discretion. However, your opponent can use them in the same way, so if you want to avoid damage from traps, then just stand on the platform leading to the upper tier (or put your magicians and robbers there, since a warrior can take damage from traps much better ).
After the battle, you will receive Hawk's Key - a weapon that will depend on the profession and specialization of your Hawk. It's not very impressive at the moment, but don't worry - you'll have the opportunity to improve it. Take the key and go to the lift, which will take you to the next level.

Floor Sashamiri

At the very beginning of this level you will see your storage chest and a group selection flag. You won't be able to use the merchant's services until you finish the Legacy, so you can safely put everything that you won't need into a chest. You can return to the chest and flag at almost any time, if the need arises, here no one will lock the doors behind you.

After a while you will encounter a fairly large group of Genlocks. After dealing with them, pay attention to the three glowing seals on the wall. If you click on them, you will release the elite Shadow behind the magic barrier. The Shadow itself is not so scary, but it can call on other Shadows to help it.
After defeating the Shadows, listen to the speech of the mysterious ghost. This will give you the quest "Malcolm's Testament". Carver or Bethany, if they are in your group, will add additional commentary to what is happening.

In the room in front of the bridge, another genlock ambush will attack you, but not as numerous as the first.
On the bridge you will be met by a certain individual in rusty armor. Listen to him, answer as you see fit, and go forward to the first seal. You don't have to equip the Hawk Key to activate it - having it in your inventory is enough.
After activating the seal, the Demon of Pride - its fiery subtype - will attack you. Beware of the glowing circles on the floor - if you linger in them, you will end up in some kind of Crushing Dungeon. This in itself will not cause you much harm to your health, but you will be completely paralyzed.
After defeating the Demon of Pride, talk to Larius, choose what bonus you want to give to your signature weapon and move on. On the next bridge, Genlock Alpha will be waiting for you - a heavily armored Genlock with a huge tower shield. He can carry out attacks similar to those of an ogre - running up and knocking everyone who gets in the way to the ground, causing very heavy damage. Fortunately, this type of genlock is not very protected from attacks from the back - even the most ordinary blows in this case cause additional damage to it. He also doesn't have very good resistance to spirit damage. Accordingly, frontal attacks on him are not the best method; in this case, his damage absorption is very high.
Having dealt with him, go to the lift and follow to the next level of the fortress.

Floor Farel

Almost as soon as you start exploring this level, you will see the scarlet seals already familiar to you on the wall. In this case, only two of them are located next to each other, you can find the third a little further, in the room where you will be ambushed by the undead. After dealing with the initial ambush, you will have to deal with the Genlock emissary and another group of dead people waiting for you in the next room.

After the battle, activate the seals. You will have to fight an elite Possessed and a group of his assistants. After the battle, listen to the ghost (and comments from Carver and Bethany if they are in your party).

A group of Darkspawn shooters led by Harlock Alpha (mage) will be waiting for you a little further. On a table in the room east of the one you fought them in, you'll find the Crown of Dumat. This will give you the quest "Altar of Dumat".

Continue further north. After the genlock ambush in the northeasternmost room, you will see the scarlet seals again. Like last time, there are only two of them - the third is located a little further, although as an exception there is no ambush near it this time. Activating the seals will release the Demon of Desire from behind the magical barrier, which will summon a squad of undead to its aid. After the battle, listen to the ghost's final speech. If Carver or Bethany is in your group, then in the conversation after this you can get Friendship or Rivalry points with them. You will also receive a weapon for Carver or Bethany, or a belt for yourself if they are not in your group. The Carver Trophy can be bugged and sometimes does not appear at all. This will complete the quest "Malcolm's Testament".

Follow further and soon you will be ambushed by the Spawn of Darkness and Genlock-Alpha, reinforced by Harlock-Alpha. Head east from the room where you fought Harlock Alpha. The small corridor will end in a dead end with two small cells. In one of them you will find Dumat's Sacrificial Dagger.

On the bridge, which is located a little further, you will be greeted by Genlock Alpha and the ogre. Behind the bridge with this nice company is a room with a second seal. The Demon of Pride that appears after its activation has a habit of splitting into copies after you deal a certain amount of damage to it. Be careful and choose as your target the demon with the longest life bar, since destroying copies will not cause him any harm.
After the battle, choose which bonus you would prefer on your signature weapon and move on. Larius will share with you another piece of information about Corypheus a little further from the room with the seal.
There's nothing else of interest on this floor, so head down to the next level.

Foot of the Tower

Walking forward a little, you will see a group of Deep Pursuers. Be careful - they are not nearly as frail as their counterparts were in the Beginning. After dealing with them, turn south, and in a small dead end you will find a page from the First Legionnaire's journal. Varric will add commentary to what is happening if he is in your party.

After going up and forward along the stairs, you will find yourself at a sarcophagus with six torches located in front of it. Your companions will comment that there is something suspicious about these torches. As you probably guessed, you need to solve a small puzzle to open the sarcophagus. Each torch lights up in specific places, so experiment to find the right order. (The fastest way to light all the lights is the second torch on the right and the first on the left if you are standing in the doorway facing the sarcophagus.) Solving the riddle will net you gloves from the Gray Warden set.
Go back and go further up the stairs. At the very end you will find the Dumat Ritual Scroll.

The Altar of Dumat is located at the very southwestern point of this map, but it is too early for you to go there. Continue east. In a relatively large open space, you will have to fight a large group of spiders and Deep Stalkers. To the south of the battlefield you will find a page from the Third Legionnaire's diary, and a little northeast of it is the Sacred Urn of Dumat.
Now head to the Altar of Dumat. You can choose to bring him an offering from the four sacred items you have collected (crown, dagger, scroll and urn). This will give you a relatively good amulet as a reward and will bring you 10 points of Rivalry with Fenris. If you decide to damage the altar, you will receive 5 Friendship points with Fenris and will have to fight a group of several Shadows and two Demons of Rage. Bethany and Varrick will not object to any of your choices. In both cases, the quest “Altar of Dumat” will be completed.

Follow further northeast to the bridge, where Genlock Alpha and several shooters will be waiting for you. In front of the bridge, in a small dead end, you will find the body of a gnome and, if Hawk has already discovered all three journal entries of members of the Legion of Death before, he will be able to give a proper farewell speech, incredibly touching Varrick (though you will get influence points for this you won’t receive) and completing the quest “Heir of the Perfect One”.
The bridge will end at a fork. If you head east, you'll find a very interesting Codex entry about Kirkwall at the end of the road, and on the way back you'll be ambushed by Genlock Alpha, Harlock Alpha, and an Emissary with a few shooters to boot. Also, if you have Anders in your group, then you will have a small surprise with his participation.

If you proceed in a western direction, it will lead your party to the room with the third seal. The Demon of Pride that appears when it is activated can change forms - from poisonous to fiery - and can split into more copies than its predecessor. At the end of the battle, choose the bonus you like best for your personalized weapon and move on.
Larius will meet you on the bridge, and a little later a group of Gray Guardians will join you. Listen to Janeka and decide whether to take her side or Larius's. Bethany, Carver and Fenris will give you 5 Friendship points if you support Larius, and Varric and Merril will give you 5 Rivalry points (and vice versa). Once you make a decision, you will automatically be transported to the next level of the dungeon.

Rhiannon Floor

The passage of this level will be slightly different depending on whether you sided with Larius or Janeka.

If you sided with Larius:

Almost immediately after entering, Larius will tell you about the secret defense mechanisms on this level and offer to activate them in order to delay Janeka. Click on the structure labeled "Power Point" and move on. In a large hall filled with similar mechanisms to the first one, Larius will warn you not to touch anything. However, a group of Charter gnomes will run out to meet you and, after a short speech, activate the mechanisms, blocking the exit from the hall. After you deal with the gnomes, Larius will remember that the streams of power need to be connected together to open the barrier.
This is not a very difficult puzzle. Most streams are already connected and you only need to “fix” the gaps between them. There are two points on each column - to receive the flow and send it further. All you need to do is rotate the columns so that one point receives the orange light and the other points towards the next column, then rotate the next column in the same way, etc.
You probably noticed that on the columns there are not one, but several rows of power points, but for now you can ignore them, we will return to them a little later.
Once you connect all the orange jets, they will turn white, the exit barrier will disappear, and you will receive experience points.

Move on. Another group of Charter dwarves will attack you. In the room to the east of the battle you will find Codex entries - one of them will mention the helmet of the missing Gray Warden commander. In the same room there is a Power Point. Activate it.

Now, if you return to the room with the columns, you will see that in addition to the white stream, there is now a blue stream running along the columns along the second row of power points. You need to do the same manipulations with it as with the orange light. For what? Go to the north-west of the map and you will see that part of this level is fenced off from you by a blue barrier (and if you look beyond it, you will see a red one a little further).
To activate the red stream in the hall with columns, go to the room that is located exactly below the northernmost room (you do not have access to it at the moment, but it is visible to the map) on the map and activate the power point there. Now return to the room with the columns and do the same manipulations with the blue light, and then with the red light that you did with the orange one. When you connect the red light, all the streams will turn white. Go to the southern part of the map and in the southernmost room activate the last power point. You will gain experience and all the barriers in the northwestern part of the map will disappear. Go there and in the chest in the northern room you will find a helmet from the Gray Warden set.

Now it's time to go to the western part of the map. Janeka will greet you behind a closed door. After a short speech, she will summon a revenant and three Arcane Horrors and disappear.
Personally, it was most convenient for me to deal with the Secret Horrors first, starting with the Healer, and then deal with the revenant at the end (fortunately, Larius immediately rushes at him and without any problems holds his attention during the battle), but this is up to your taste and depending depending on your group and favorite tactics.
This is the last battle on this level and if you have already explored the rest of the floor, you can move on to the next one.


This level is very small. Larius or Janeka will meet you on the bridge, depending on which side you chose to take. They will tell you some details from your ally's past, and you will have to make the final decision - to remain on the side of your ally or to go to the other side. If you decide to remain with your previous decision, then you will have a battle with the Gray Guardians led by Janeka or Larius. If you decide to betray your ally, he/she will be killed on the spot and you will avoid the battle. Varric, Bethany and Fenris will not react to your decisions in any way.

Activate the last seal and meet the one you've heard so much about - Corypheus. After a very interesting conversation regarding the origin of this individual, the final battle will follow.
The battle with Corypheus is divided into several phases. In the first phase, after you remove a certain number of lives from him, he will move to the center of the hall and cause two jets of flame that will rotate throughout the room clockwise. Fire must be avoided - it causes great damage. If you stand on the steps that lead to the four statues, you will take less damage, but it will still be quite significant. You will receive the least damage if you stand on the topmost step.
In order for Corypheus to stop spewing out a stream of flame, you need to activate the four statues in the hall. After activating each one, two Shadows will attack you. Each time you kill one of the Shadows, it will restore some health to all party members, so you can try to time your hits so that you kill them after the flame stream passes through you. As a safer (albeit longer) alternative, you can simply follow the fire, activating the statues, never staying in one place for more than a couple of seconds, and destroy the Shadows from a distance, being careful not to get caught in the flames at all.

After destroying the Shadows and activating the statues, Corypheus will leave the center of the room and you will be able to attack him again. After you remove another portion of his health, he will return to the center, and stone blocks will grow in the room, which will significantly complicate free movement. He will also begin to spew out a stream of flame again. The tactics in this case will be, in principle, the same as before - activate the statues, kill the Shadows, but be careful - members of your group may get stuck between the stones while moving and fall under the flames where it was not at all planned.

After activating all the statues, the scenario will repeat again. Corypheus will become available for attack, but after losing another portion of health, he will return to the center of the hall. Now, in addition to blocks and flames, you have to avoid electrical discharges between stones and icicles randomly falling on you, which, in addition to causing cold damage, also slow down your speed.
After you deal with the statues and shadows for the third time, you will finally be able to finish off Corypheus. From his body you will remove the last part of the Gray Guardian set. If Anders is in your party, you will also receive an amulet for him. You will also have the opportunity to gain Friendship or Rivalry points from Anders. At the end of the conversation, you can answer “This doesn’t change anything” - for points towards Friendship, or “It’s true, not a fairy tale” - for points towards Rivalry.

After the battle, talk to Larius or Janeka (and note the change in tone from both) and watch the ending cutscene (which will vary significantly depending on which act you completed Legacy in) first with Varric and Cassandra, and then with your family members. You can get up to 25 Friendship points with Carver if you select all diplomatic options in the last conversation.

Genre: action/RPG
Release date in Russia: July 2011
Developer: BioWare
Publisher: Electronic Arts


So, we have witnessed the release of the first story addition to the role-playing game Dragon Age II, except, of course, for the bonus module about the exiled prince (The Exiled Prince), which initially went to owners of the Signature Edition (others could purchase it for an additional 560 BioWare points - about 7 US dollars).

Many were eagerly awaiting the release of Dragon Age II: Legacy. First of all, because the original second part of Dragon Age turned out to be too ambiguous, with its “glossy” execution, characteristic of projects for game consoles. Perhaps the two most common complaints are the organization of battles (a fast-paced meat grinder with waves of enemy hordes “falling out of the sky”) and the construction of levels (many locations are of the same type, with a complete repetition of the interior).

The management of BioWare (represented by the chief designer of the project, Michael Laidlaw) at one time even publicly repented and promised to improve, after carefully listening to the complaints of fans. Looking ahead, I will say that a certain positive is indeed observed. Of course, there is no need to talk about revolutionary changes, but the results of working on mistakes are still noticeable.

You open access to the Legacy game module by clicking on the griffin statue located on the second floor of your fashionable mansion, earned with sweat and blood in the original version of Dragon Age II (or in your “loving” uncle’s shack, if you have not yet advanced much in main story)...

And again, without departing from the traditions of the narrative mechanism chosen in the original second part of the game, we are offered a dialogue between Varrick (a friend of the game’s protagonist, Hawk) and “an investigator for particularly important cases of the Holy Mother Church.”

Just in case, let me remind you that the role of the “official” Church in the Dragon Age universe at the time of the events is performed by Chantry - with faith in one God (Maker) and his prophet - the holy martyr Andraste. At the same time, pagan worship of various gods (the so-called Old Gods) are generally a thing of the past, but a certain part of sympathizers can still be found here and there. Beliefs also vary by race. In particular, the beliefs of the dwarves are very distinct: the organization of a community of believers in one God and the prophetess Andraste in the dwarf fiefdoms was presented in the first part of the game as unheard of exotic. The elves have their own beliefs (some of which vary from clan to clan), although Chantry sympathizers are also found among them (especially if the elves are hired to serve people).

I apologize for this small lyrical digression (it seemed appropriate to me due to the fact that the main enemy in “Legacy” draws his strength from one of the old gods - Dumat). Well, it's time to move on to the plot. You, in the role of Hawk, face persecution from assassins from the thieving dwarf clan - Carta. Understanding the situation and finding out why the mentioned criminal group needed your blood, you find yourself in the vicinity of the seemingly abandoned fortress of the Gray Guardians (who have undergone a special ritual as defenders of the universe from Corruption)...

The enemies in the Dragon Age II: Legacy expansion are quite diverse, and, compared to the original version of the game, new ones have been added - for example, Genlock Alpha with a massive spiked ram shield, and rhinoceros-like animals - Bronto.

I would like to immediately note the visible improvement in the above-mentioned situation with enemies “falling from the sky.” In Dragon Age II: Legacy, in many cases the number of enemies you see when entering a closed room does not increase (which for once allows you to at least predict the development of events during the battle). And in cases where the first wave of attackers is nevertheless followed by a second, the enemies try to enter the battlefield in a cultured manner - from doors and from around corners (rather than falling out of nowhere). Well, except perhaps for the cases of demons materializing out of thin air (or crawling out of the floor).

I didn't have any particular problems in boss fights (on Hard difficulty level). Still, the situation corrected by the patch back in the original version of Dragon Age II with an incredible amount of health points for a number of bosses (at high difficulty levels) is not observed here.

The final battle also did not force the author of these lines to use unprintable expressions - with careful and careful conduct of the battle, everything went quite smoothly (although once the game treacherously “froze” shortly before the final blow to the main personification of evil).

To be fair, it is worth noting that the final battle is one of those quickly forgotten events. It's strange, I remember the scene of the final battle with the Archdemon from the first part of the game (Dragon Age: Origins), but at the same time I had to strain my memory to remember who I fought in the final battle in Dragon Age II. I don’t know about you, but for me the console orientation of the second part of the game led to the fact that the impressions of many important battles in the plot turned out to be much less vivid...

Since we're talking about the controversial features of the original version of Dragon Age II, we should also mention the annoying reuse of location models. The situation with frequently occurring similar levels has noticeably improved, so we can confidently state that the developers kept their word. No, of course, it was not possible to completely avoid repetition - the levels with opening seals were repeated three times, but here at least there is a direct justification for what is happening due to the peculiarities of the storyline.

Otherwise, you can feel the designers’ attempt to give each location uniqueness, and therefore wandering around the abandoned fortress of the Gray Guardians is really interesting.

Unfortunately, you will not be given freedom to travel through the locations available on the main map (only Hawk’s house and the “Black Market” from the corresponding mini-add-on Black Emporium are available). Moreover, you can get to your home only a couple of times during the passage of Dragon Age II: Legacy - through interactive griffin statues (this also includes the ability to change the composition of your battle group). The rest of the time you will go deeper inside the Gray Wardens' fortress.

Of the puzzles that came across in the game, one can only mention the scene with the adjustment of light paths between torches on nine rotating pillars. You will complete the first level with ease (and the exit door will open in front of you), but for an additional reward (a helmet from the Regalia of Weisshaupt set) you will have to work hard - first, wander around the area and turn on the torches of the corresponding colors, and then return to the main hall with pillars and look for a solution.

Well, by the way, you learned that in the Dragon Age II: Legacy add-on you will find a new set of armor that gives pleasant bonuses when you receive all its parts. Naturally, none of the main character classes you have chosen will be offended - a warrior, a magician, and a thief - they will be able to assemble the coveted set of armor. It is also impossible not to note a very interesting approach to improving the key to seals (and at the same time - your main weapon in this add-on) - The Hawke's Key. Depending on the class and "pumped up" skills of the character, the key weapon being improved will be a staff, two-handed or with a regular sword, dagger or bow.

It will not do without the next “achievements”. I counted five of them: Conductor, Deep Roads Safari, Family Legacy, Family Outing and Tower Sweeper. I will not disclose the conditions for receiving them, so as not to spoil your enjoyment of the game. For each achievement a certain number of Achievement points will be awarded. I just don’t understand who needs this and why? Does anyone really get pleasure from the fact that their Achievement lasts... (there was a Freudian slip here - author's note) more than others?

I personally did not notice any changes in the role-playing system (character characteristics, his skills, resistance to the elements and magic, etc.). Perhaps some minor improvements have been implemented, but you are unlikely to pay attention to them. Moreover, during the passage of this add-on, your character will increase his level at most a couple of times.

The main plot and dialogue in Legacy are not fundamentally different from what you already saw in Dragon Age II. Of course, you cannot escape another and rather difficult choice...

...But this, of course, is in no way comparable to the possibility of personally executing your faithful comrade Anders at the end of the original version of the game. However, you will definitely have to scratch your head in thought.

Anticipating the legitimate question about whether the Dragon Age II: Legacy addition will contain a continuation of an old one or the development of a new romantic line, I will answer that, unfortunately, the history of recent updates to games in the Dragon Age series has not spoiled us with such pleasant variety. Alas, this time you will not be allowed to merge in virtual ecstasy with your chosen one (or chosen one). It's a pity! After all, the inclusion of a romantic line in addition to the game is an excellent advertising move that will make the vast majority of fans fork out for a new add-on. Perhaps the next addition to Dragon Age II will please us with this? If not, then hardened womanizers have no choice but to wait for the release of the game Dragon Age III, work on which, as you probably know, is already underway.

And finally, about the completion time of Dragon Age II: Legacy. This figure, of course, depends on the selected difficulty level and your playing style. In my opinion, this add-on can take more than 10-12 hours only for those fans of the series who like to thoroughly explore every nook and cranny of the location, and often use a pause during the battle. As I already said, the game quite straightforwardly drives you along a given plot corridor, not even allowing you to wander through familiar locations of the game universe (read - the streets of Kirkwall), so it’s unlikely that anything can seriously delay you (except for the Nightmare difficulty level, of course) ...


Graphic arts: 80%
Sound: 90%
Game process: 75%

General impression: 80%